For an accepted paper to be published in the ICT'2013 Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore, AT LEAST ONE AUTHOR of the accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full rate and the paper must be presented at the conference. Authors' registration fees must be received before March 15, 2013. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for up to 2 papers.
While preparing the final version of your paper, please make sure to read the reviews of your paper and take into account the reviewers' recommendations for revising it.
Each accepted manuscript should not exceed five (5) IEEE-style pages. The template of the final version can be found in the Author's Kit.
The final manuscript is due by March 15, 2013. To submit your final paper, please go to EDAS, click on the “My Papers” tab, and then upload your paper after clicking on the icon under the column "Upload" where your paper is located (in your papers table list). Please DO NOT use the tab Submit Paper under EDAS, since you will not find ICT 2013 there.
Prior to final submission, you need to PDF-check your paper using IEEE PDF eXpress available at . PDF eXpress allows you to check the IEEE Xplore compatibility of PDF files and assists you in correcting problems with your files. The conference ID is ICT13x.
For detailed instructions on accessing and using PDF eXpress, refer to following help file.
Please make sure that the list of your paper's co-authors is complete in EDAS, and that it exactly corresponds to your manuscript authors list. Otherwise, unlisted co-authors will not be recognized by EDAS registration system.
If you experience any problems during the upload process of your paper on EDAS, please contact
At the moment of final manuscript submission (due by March 15, 2013), the IEEE copyright transfer agreement must be submitted electronically onto EDAS. This can be done easily by going to "My Papers" tab and clicking on the '(c)' icon under the column "Copyright" where your paper is located. Copyright transfer will be completed in a few clicks, without the need for uploading a scanned copyright form.
Papers accepted for ICT-2013 will be included in the conference Proceedings, IEEE Xplore, and EI Index, with the exception that IEEE reserves the right to exclude any paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference. Papers that are removed from IEEE Xplore will not be available through the EI Index.
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format on-line via the EDAS system.
Papers must be formatted according to the IEEE Manuscript Templates provided hereafter:
• Microsoft Word: A4 format
• LaTex Archive Contents (1) :
LaTex Bibliography Files (2) :
(1) The LaTeX System Tester is included in the LaTeX archives content. The package includes instructions on how to test your LaTeX system settings and reconfigure them as necessary to enable you to emulate the "control output" for the best PDF conversion. You are strongly encouraged to perform this test before laying out your final manuscript.
(2) Access IEEEtran LaTeX Class (template) V1.7 packages and IEEEtran V1.12 BibTeX (bibliography) packages. Be sure to use the template's conference mode. See template documentation for details.