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A wonderful geography and a pleasant climat
Casablanca is located on the plain of Chawiya, a region whose the main historical activity is related to agriculture, and still counting today as one of the main agricultural centers of Morocco. Its position on the Atlantic coast allows easy access to marine resources (mainly for fishing). Casablanca is surrounded by the huge forest of Bouskoura, which was planted in the twentieth century and consists mostly of Eucalyptus, Pine and Palm.
Casablanca has a Mediterranean climate with oceanic strong tendency which is particularly pleasant, promising this way a mild winters and relatively wet and moderately warm summers. The average annual temperature is around 18.88 ° C, and the total annual precipitation of 426.1 mm. During winter, the gel is almost absent: the lowest temperature ever recorded was -2.7 ° C. In summer, temperatures are usually pleasant when the wind blows from the sea, however, during episodes of offshore wind the city may record hot temperatures for few days. For instance, the maximum temperature recorded was 40.5 ° C. Surprisingly, the city may record strong temperature gaps that can be observed, particularly in the summer, between the neighbourhoods of the sea, and outlying areas, warmer because less exposed to sea breezes.